Yes it has been forever since the last update.
Plenty of information stored somewhere in the brain to relay to the masses. Lots of good stuff:
Alcoholism, firearms, celebrity, intrigue, mayhem and what appears to be the rapid approach of fall.
I just have to dig real deep to retrieve it and escape the phones long enough to type it up.
But here is a little teaser, how many of the previously mentioned categories do you think this guy is involved in?
Good to see a post finally, thought you might have succumbed to some terrible fate on the tundra.......that being said, nasty business about people drowning in local rivers and planes crashing into the turf.
Be safe man, the shiticane has wide reaching power!
Love and kisses,
with a moustache like that, I'm gonna say all of the above.
and here i thought bruce coveted moustaches like that?! was our moustached friend flying said plane that crashed or did he hold people under or .. gasp .. both!?
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