Monday, May 23, 2005

Day one

Home sweet home? Posted by Hello

So today I am off to Rankin Inlet, well Edmonton actually but Rankin Inlet being the ultimate destination. Almost everything that I know about the place can be found here:

Bear with me, I am still working out this Blog thing and eventually I will get the links figured out so a bit of cut and paste may be the order of the day.

Those inclined to find out more about the place have a party, I myself am bound to find out a hell of a lot more in a matter of hours.

For the next 6 weeks I will be amongst a crew of 20+ people searching for diamonds in Canada's North where I will be responssible for heat,light, water, communication and sanitation.

Sounds like fun hunh?

When I can be assured that the shit flows downhill I will be working out in the field, which may prove to be a little more exciting than previous forays into the tundra as I will find myself in the heart of Polar Yogi country and as far as I understand they have no known predators...

A little salt with your Dean-oh?

The primary benefit of this whole exercise is that I will be around helicopters all of the time with plenty of time to bother pilots and engineers and try to get myself in some sort of position to place myself front and center in the career path that I would prefer to follow. Oh and did I mention a steady pay cheque? That's kind of nice benefit.

Anyway, stay tuned as I hope to post something...anything that I may find interesting on this grand experiment and I hope that you may find it a bit of a curiosity as well.

Untill then. Enjoy the ride!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lardass! You're taking a piss out there on the tundra (in profile photo) aren't you! I'm alerting the ministry of env., the fallout from your pee should require a haz. spill kit....
Hey, when you get to Rankin, take a spin down to the Northern Store, last year they had these great bottle openers with an audio track of Homer Simpson (the infamous 'mmmmm, beeeeeeer...') that was activated when gadget was used for intended purpose.
Say hello to the p. bears mr. upright seal. xxoo Dorrie

Anonymous said...

hey dean-o! keep yourself warm and as you know "they shrink?!". hopefully the snow will melt and it will reach a balmy temp soon (0 C balmy enuf?) ... in about 3 months! ;-) hey man, i survived it (-30 C) and we already know you can so chin up, titties out! opp'y is right around the corner for you. fly, fly away.

git'er done!

Anonymous said...

What the hell???
Does this just end on day 1??
Talk about a short attention span!!
Sorry maybe there is nothing interesting to report.