Camp guy's best friend and worst enemy

All hail the Pacto toilet!
Best thing to happen to field camps in the Arctic since the addition of the shovel. Followed closely by fire and alcohol, not necesarilly in that order.
Imagine if you will, household plumbing-so to speak- that doesn't require the addition of water. Not only that some poor fool no longer has to go and dig a hole deep enough to last long enough to dig another hole that is deep enough to accomodate upwords of twenty people. Not only that, said sorry fool no longer has to battle perma-frost to accomplish said task.
Sounds wonderfull yes? Well sort of. When there is a mechanical malfuncion guess who has to deal with the shit? literally...
You guessed it.
"Welcome to Camp Dean. How was your breakfast? Can you fix the Pacto?"
Then there comes disposal day! Oh do I miss just covering up the hole, I just don't miss the digging.
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